Shake well before using. Add 1 teaspoon or capful of Fish Protector per 10 gallons of water, or 1 fl. oz. per 60 gallons, or 1 cup (8 fl. oz.) per 480 gallons. Dosage can be increased or repeated without adverse effects. Add to shipping water to prevent damage due to shock and skin abrasion. Fish•Protector does not interfere with fishes’ gills or breathing, or with the measurements of water quality test kits.
If water is suspected of containing chloramines (a chemical complex of Chlorine and Ammonia) in any form, add Kordon’s AmQuel Plus. AmQuel Plus is a single-step, fast acting remover of chloramines and chlorine.
To fully condition tap water, to buffer pH, and to add electrolytes, also add Kordon’s NovAqua Plus to the water. Fish•Protector, NovAqua Plus, and AmQuel Plus and all of Kordon's treatments for aquatic use are fully compatible and equally effective in fresh and salt water.
Also, Fish Protector is compatible with the Kordon water clarifiers (Trans Clear, Sea Clear), the nitrifying and sludge bacteria additives and all Kordon medications.